The application of physics create technology, which provides comfort and ease in our daily life like all modern appliances at our home such as television, computer, vacuum cleaner, washing machine and refrigerator
Physics involves various disciplines/braches such as mechanics, heat and mass transfer, light emissions, flow of electricity, modern physics, etc.
The study of ‘mechanics’ helps to understand the forces involved in the flight of an aeroplane, in the walk of a person, in the collision of two or more bodies, in free falling bodies, and so on.
The branch of “Heat and Mass transfer” helps us to understand the variation of temperature in atmosphere, the working of heat engines, and the heat conductivity of metals, etc. The study of “Light” explains the properties of lenses, mirrors, etc. IT involves the law of optics.
The cause and generation of electricity helps to understand the basic principles involved in generators and motors. The use of semiconductors built the first transistor. This helps to build the key component of all electronic system including computers and mobile. The discipline of Modern Physics describes the highly microscopic world of atoms and electrons. Hence, no sphere of life remains untouched by physics. For any help regarding your physics dissertation, please log on to Dissertation Help UK or write us at [email protected]